1) Company introduction - Company name: I.S.M Korea (International service Mentor) - Managing Director: Mr. Seon-jun Choi - Address:BucheonTechnoparkSsangyong 3th IT 301-602, Seokchon-ro 397,
Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si, Korea (Zip: 421-808)
- Telephone & Fax:Tel. 82-32-624-4570 Fax. 82-32-624-4572 - Web-site:www.ismkorea.net
2) History
- 2004. 12: I.S.M Korea was established in Seoul as anESK Ceramics/GermanyAgent. - 2008. 01: ZircarCeramics/USAAgent - 2009. 07: Moved to BucheonTechonoparkSsangyong 3th (Own warehouse) - 2012. 03: Porextherm/Germany Agent - 2014. 11: Sales distributor of 3M Korea